Page 92 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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68                                                                        Corporate governance report

       Governance statement

       Scope of responsibility
       As Chief Executive and Accounting  Officer of NHS  Resolution  I am  responsible for
       maintaining a sound system of internal control that supports compliance with our

       policies and the achievement of our objectives while safeguarding  public funds and
       our assets in accordance with the HM Treasury document Managing Public Money.

       I  have responsibility for the delivery of NHS Resolution's   •  risk management processes; and
       strategic aims and objectives within our legislative and   •  our operational and financial systems.
       regulatory parameters, as directed  by DHSC  and,  in
                                                           As Accounting Officer, I am supported  by our Senior
       conjunction with the Board through development of
                                                           Management Team (SMT),  internal audit and Audit and
       strategy and effective governance arrangements.
                                                           Risk Committee (ARC) and  make recommendations
       I am responsible for:
                                                           to the Board on the matters outlined in this statement
       •  compliance with and delivery against our
                                                           as they relate to effective governance.  I am supported
         framework agreement and  business plan as
                                                           by the Board and SMT in ensuring we commit to and
         agreed from time to time with  DHSC;
                                                           embed our aims and values in everything we do.
       •  delivery against key performance
                                                           I delegate day-to-day operational responsibility for
         indicators as agreed with  DHSC;
                                                           our financial systems and  internal  risk management
       •  provision,  oversight and effective working
                                                           arrangements to the Director of Finance and
         of systems of internal control;
                                                           Corporate  Planning, who also acts as the Senior
       •  oversight of the complaints process and          Information  Risk Owner (SIRO) for NHS Resolution.
         ensuring that the learning from complaints
         is embedded into how we operate;
       Figure 19:
       Our PEER values

               Professional                                                     Expert
              We are dedicated to providing                                     We bring  unique skills
               a professional, high quality                                     knowledge and expertise
               service, working flexibly to                                     to everything we do.
              find effective and  efficient

               Ethical                                                          Respectful
              We are committed to                                               We treat people with
              acting with honesty,                                              consideration and  respect
               integrity and fairness.                                          and encourage supportive
                                                                                collaborative and  inclusive
                                                                                team working.
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