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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            69

            The governance framework and structures

             Figure 20:
             NHS Resolution governance structure and subgroups reporting to the SMT

            The NHS  Resolution  Board
            As of 31  March 2022 the Board consisted of the non­  I  report on the organisation's performance to the Board
             executive Chair, four non-executive members and     and to DHSC  on a  regular basis in accordance with the
            four executive members.  There are also two associate   Framework Agreement with  DHSC. As NHS  Resolution's
             non-executive and one associate executive director.   Accounting Officer,  I am supported by the senior
            The Board can consist of between three and five      management team (SMT),  internal audit, and Audit and
             non-executive directors and executive directors.    Risk Committee (ARC) to provide assurance to the Board
                                                                 on the matters as they relate to effective governance.
            The Board  provides leadership and strategic direction
            for the organisation and  is collectively accountable,   The Board  regularly reviews these reports to ensure it
            through the Chair, to the Secretary of State for     remains satisfied  regarding the quality of information,
             Health and Social Care for ensuring a sound system   and also that it is relevant and sufficient to inform the

             of internal control through its governance structures,   business of the Board.  During the period from  1 April
             and for putting  in  place arrangements for securing   2021  to 31  March 2022 the Board  met on six occasions
             assurance about the effectiveness of that system.   and attendance details are shown  in Table  10.
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