Page 98 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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74                                                                        Corporate governance report

       Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee
       The Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee
                                                              I,  Martin Clarke,  am  Government Actuary and a
       is a  non-executive committee, the role of which
                                                              Fellow of the Institute and  Faculty of Actuaries.
       includes the determination of the remuneration,
                                                              In  my opinion, the IBNR provisions for NPIS
       benefits and terms of service of all  posts covered
                                                              Resolution as at 31  March 2022 to be included
       by the  Pay Framework for Executive and Senior
                                                              in  NPIS  Resolution's report and accounts have
       Managers (ESM). All  meetings were quorate.
                                                              been calculated using an appropriate actuarial
                                                              methodology and assumptions which are within
       People Committee
                                                              a reasonable range, given the purpose of the
       This Committee was established  in 2021/22 to support   calculation and taking  into account discussions
       the Board and the Accounting Officer by reviewing
                                                              held with the working groups and the NPIS
       the comprehensiveness and  reliability of assurances in   Resolution's Reserving and  Pricing Committee.
       relation to its people strategies and activities.  The first   The actuarial assumptions were selected on a best
       meeting of this committee was held  in  March 2022.    estimate basis, with  no explicit adjustment for
                                                              risk and  uncertainty.  I  have calculated the IBNR
       Reserving and Pricing Committee
                                                              provisions to be £64,288 million for all schemes
       I chair the  Reserving and  Pricing Committee (RPC)    combined as at 31  March 2022  using the method
       with membership comprised of the Director of           and assumptions selected by NPIS  Resolution. This
       Finance and Corporate  Planning,  Director of Claims,  opinion statement should be considered  in the
       Plead of Reserving and  Pricing and a non-executive    context of my advice to the  Reserving and  Pricing
       director.  From January 2022 the committee's           Committee. There are a number of uncertainties
       membership has been augmented by an  independent       underlying the IBNR provisions.  My advice to the
       member.  The committee is attended  by our actuarial   Reserving and  Pricing Committee and Note 7 to
       advisers, the Government Actuary's Department.         NPIS  Resolution's Annual  report and accounts
                                                              describe this uncertainty and quantify the sensitivity
       The Committee meets regularly in order to:
                                                              of the IBNR provisions to key assumptions. This
       •  set the methodology and assumptions                 opinion does not negate the fact that the future
         for calculating the value of the provisions          cash flows will  not develop exactly as projected and
         for the statutory financial accounts;                may,  in fact, vary significantly from the projections.

       •  develop cash flow estimates to inform
         budgetary requirements and set contribution
         levels for indemnity scheme members; and
       •  ensure that the framework for assurance for models
         used for calculating  business critical information  is
         applied  in  line with the Macpherson recommendations.
       Key matters considered  in 2021/22 included:

       The results of the work undertaken  by RPC  on
       calculating the key estimates for the accounts in
       respect of the provision are included in the Annual
       report and accounts, which are presented to ARC
       and the Board for consideration. This supports me
       in the process to sign the accounts as a true and
       fair view of the year's activities.  The actuarial adviser
       has provided an opinion on the methodology and
       assumptions used to calculate a key estimate in the
       accounts, the 'incurred but not reported' provision.
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