Page 99 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            75

             Senior Management Team
            The Senior Management Team (SMT) includes directors and   I  report on the work of the SMT to the Board and
             heads of the operating areas in the organisation. The SMT   hold members of the SMT to account for delivering
             meets most weeks and discusses issues concerned with   against agreed objectives which are linked to
            the activity of NHS  Resolution for which the SMT oversight   delivery of our strategy and  business plan.
             or approval is required, including resource management
                                                                 SMT and sub-group review
             and planning, governance arrangements, complaints and
            stakeholder management. The SMT reviews particular   In  February 2021  I commissioned an  Internal Audit
             areas of our activity or areas of development and   advisory review of the governance groups to ensure the
             considers any changes in the external environment that   groups have clear roles and responsibilities and that our
             may have an impact on NHS  Resolution and its services.  governance structure is effective in supporting transparent
            The SMT reviewed its terms of reference to ensure they   and timely decision  making at the appropriate level.
             are fit for their purpose. There are regular risk review
                                                                 From the review an action  plan  has been developed
            sessions to ensure we have controls and treatments in
                                                                 to take forward through 2022/23. We will continue
             place to mitigate risks and bring them within appetite.
                                                                 to implement the revised ways of working to ensure
             During the year the SMT held a series of sessions to   consistent assurance reports to the SMT where required.
             support the production of the business plan for 2022/23.
            We also held sessions to develop our 2022-25 strategy
            with our focus being to continue to deepen and
             improve the work we have been doing since 2017.
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