Page 104 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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80                                                                        Corporate governance report

       Figure 22:
       Information governance incidents reported by severity


                     Financial year          NHS Resolution         NHS Resolution         NHS Resolution
                                             Near miss              Non-reportable         Total
                                             Third party supplier   Third party supplier   Third party supplier
                                             Near miss              Non-reportable         Total
                                             NHS Resolution incidents
                                             reported to ICO

       During this year, there were 266 incidents recorded  by   We received 269 requests under FOI of which 79% were
       NHS  Resolution. This includes those reported  by third   responded to within the 20 working day timescale for
       party suppliers.  Of this total,  180 were 'near misses'.  responses. Where responses exceeded the 20 working
      A near miss is defined as an incident that did  not lead   day time period,  it was due to a  number of factors
       to harm,  loss or damage,  but could have done, and is   such as the complexity of the request.  In those cases
       reported  in order that we can  learn from the near miss   we advised the requestor of the likely timescales for
       occurrence.  During this reporting  period there have been   a  response. We are reviewing the internal  processes
       three reports to the ICO, which are pending an outcome.  for responding to FOI  requests to consider how we
                                                           can also improve our compliance rate. A significant
       The trend  in  reporting  remains high and we have
                                                           number of FOI  requests concerned maternity and
       noted that the reporting numbers remain similar to
                                                           obstetrics claims. There continues to be a growing
       those of last year in the context of an  increase in
                                                           interest in our claims data and we have continued
       size and  level of activity in the organisation.  Further
                                                           to publish  responses on our Disclosure Log1.
      work is being  planned to improve the current internal
       incident reporting framework so that we can  better   We have also updated our Factsheets2 and our
       report on  incidents and derive more insight and    Publication Scheme3 to assist the public to find
       learning. We are also providing focused training and   information about our organisation and our activities.
       awareness of information security matters following   We seek to be open and in the majority of cases we
       a review of the incidents related to these matters.  do provide disclosure of information  in full. Where we
                                                           do not,  it is because doing so would  be to increase
       Responding to members of the public
                                                           the risk of identifying claimants or others who trust
       Effective processes were in place throughout the    us with their sensitive health  information. Of the
      year to ensure we responded to all public enquiries,   small  number of cases where we have withheld some
       correspondence,  parliamentary questions, issues    information, two were reported to the Information
       raised under Freedom of Information (FOI) and  Data   Commissioner, and our decisions to withhold
       Protection Act (DPA) legislation, and complaints.   information were upheld on legal grounds.

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