Page 102 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 102

78                                                                        Corporate governance report

       Through the regular review of the risk register and the   Management assurance
       assessment of the controls and  required treatments
                                                           NHS  Resolution's assurance arrangements bring
       we were able to look at how treatment plans have
                                                           together governance and quality linked to our
       contributed to any reduction of risk impact and/
                                                           strategic objectives.  Its purpose is to ensure that
       or likelihood of occurrence. One such risk where we
                                                           systems and  information are available to provide
       reduced the risk score was 'NHS Resolution's core
                                                           assurance on  identified strategic risks and that such

       systems become obsolete1which was previously
                                                           risks are being controlled and objectives achieved.
       captured as a strategic risk and de-escalated to
       the Corporate Operational  Risk Register.           Data quality
       Where key issues have arisen we considered
                                                           We recognise the importance of having systems
       whether the current controls in place could
                                                           in place to ensure, as far as possible, the data we
       be strengthened to reduce the likelihood of a
                                                           produce is accurate and adequately described.
       recurrence and major impact on the organisation.
                                                           The controls we have in place include:
                                                           •  Exception  reports and management review
         Risk appetite                                     •  Quality assurance through the
                                                              Business Intelligence Team
         The Board  has developed a statement of risk
         appetite which  is reviewed and updated annually.   •  Internal audit of data both from the claims
         The Board's approach is to minimise its exposure to   function and third  party Internal Audit provider
         risk in relation to the delivery of its operations and
                                                           •  External audit review of data quality
         compliance with good standards of governance.
                                                              in  relation to the provision.
         The Board  recognised there are a number of
         initiatives underway simultaneously,  including:  Internal audit

         •  The continued challenges with the              An  internal audit plan  is developed  in conjunction with
            impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.               management and the Audit and  Risk Committee to focus
                                                           on the areas of risk, and  provide insight, advice and
         •  Revising our delivery model for our services.
                                                           assurance on the internal control framework.  Internal
         •  Implementing a revised operating
                                                           Audit carried out eight reviews in the financial year:
            model for the claims function.
         •  Adopting  new ways of working with a             Audit title                    Assurance
            hybrid model across the organisation.
                                                             Data Security Protection Toolkit  Advisory
         •  An office move for our Leeds-based staff.
                                                             Risk Maturity                  Advisory
         •  The programme for replacing our core IT systems.
                                                             Data Quality                   Substantial
         These present both challenges and opportunities. The
         Board expects that management will plan for and     General Practice Indemnity     Substantial
         appropriately resource these initiatives, while ensuring
         that the health and well-being of our staff and core   Stakeholder Management      Reasonable
         operations are not compromised.  Confidence in our
                                                             Claims Evolution Programme     Advisory
         ability to deliver core business is key to maintaining
         our position as a trusted and effective organisation.  Key Financial Controls - Payroll  Reasonable  1
                                                             Procurement of Legal Panel     Partial
       Business continuity
                                                             Follow up of outstanding
                                                                                            Good progress
       Effective business continuity arrangements continued   internal audit recommendations
       to be paramount for us during 2021/22 due to
                                                           The audit of the procurement of the legal  panel
       the impacts of Covid-19 as well as an  IT-related
                                                           resulted  in a partial assurance rating arising from
       outage in April 2022. We regularly review our
                                                           issues related to planning and documentation, which
       departmental  Business Impact Assessments (BIAs),
                                                           did  not affect the outcome of the procurement.
       which take into account the changing external,  as
                                                           Improvement actions are being taken forward  in
       well as our own  internal, operating environment.
                                                           response to the recommendations made by Internal
       Lessons learnt from any business continuity events and   Audit across all audits undertaken in the year.
       the BIAs have supported  us in  reviewing our business
       continuity, crisis management and  pandemic plans.
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