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76                                                                        Corporate governance report

       Table 13: SMT sub-groups
        SMT              Function                                   Outcome of Governance Groups Review
        Change           Provides assurance of a formal process    CMG is well run with good information feed,
         Management      to oversee the activity under the change   and exception and highlights-based reporting.
        Group (CMG)      portfolio of programmes and projects,     A key part of the success of the group is the
                         and that this is aligned to our strategy.  investment in the PMO resource which assists
                                                                   with the functioning of the group's meetings

        Operational      Provides assurance on all matters         Name change from Operational Risk Review
         Delivery        related to the governance and             Group to Operational Delivery Group. This
        Group (ODG)      processes of the operational delivery     more appropriately describes the broad remit
                         of the strategy and business plan.        of the group in terms of operational delivery.
                                                                   An action plan specific to ODG is being
                                                                   taken forward to support improvements
                                                                   for this group

         Information     Provides assurance on the Data            Group is well established.
        Governance       Security and Protection Toolkit and       Recommendations included making
        Group (IG)       that other IG requirements are being      greater use of the forward planner
                         operated and delivered to required        to document the group's work
                         standards within NHS Resolution.
                         Provides operational oversight of
                         maintenance of ISO 27001  certification.

        Significant      Supports the prompt and effective         The group has an established cycle of
        Concerns         management of significant concerns        reporting to SMT twice a year and feedback
        Group (SCG)      identified by individual NHS services.    suggests that this suits the nature of the
                         Functions where these give rise to a need   content. Any urgent or important matters
                         for a coordinated organisational response.  for decision or awareness are directed
                                                                   to the CEO and/or other directors as
                                                                   appropriate so that there are no 'surprises'
        Workforce        To ensure the organisation has oversight   WSG is to be renamed Workforce
        Strategy         on workforce planning and staffing        Development Group to make the distinction
        Group (WSG)      decisions and to build in a process of    between its role and the more strategic
                         assurance and risk management.            role of the new People Committee.
                                                                   Terms of reference will be reviewed
                                                                   to ensure clarity of responsibilities
                                                                   between the People Committee, WDG
                                                                   and operational management

       The control  environment                            Within the framework SMT maintain and update a
                                                           strategic risk register which  reflects those risks that could
       The system of internal control is designed to eliminate
                                                           have an  impact on the delivery of our strategy.  ODG  are
       risk where possible and manage residual risk to a
                                                           charged with the review of corporate operational risks
       reasonable level,  rather than to eliminate all  risk of
                                                           that may impact the delivery of our business plan as well
       failure to achieve objectives. Therefore,  it provides a
                                                           as business as usual matters.  Risk reporting and escalation
       reasonable and  not absolute assurance of effectiveness.
                                                           is set out in our risk management policy and procedure,
       Capacity to handle risk                             which  is published on our website:
       Through our risk management framework we regularly
       considered the risks and issues that could  have an
       impact on the achievement of our business objectives.
       This included consideration of the controls we have in
       place to mitigate those risks and then, where required,
       developing  plans to bring those risks within appetite.
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