Page 105 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            81

            Data Protection requests                             We implemented this by changing our timelines,
                                                                 encouraging early resolution and giving our
            NHS Resolution  receives two types of requests under
                                                                 business areas ten working days to respond.  It
            the DPA. The first type. Subject Access Requests
                                                                 was believed that extending the timeframe would
            (SARs),  give individuals the right to request any
                                                                 give more time to examine and  informally resolve
            information held about themselves.  During this
                                                                 these complaints at the earliest opportunity.
            period  154 SARs were received, which  is an  increase
            of 38 (33%) on last year.  Of these  140 (91 %) were   Freedom to Speak Up
            responded to within the statutory deadline of one
                                                                 We have a Freedom to Speak Up policy and  have in
            calendar month. Where these were not responded to
                                                                 place four Freedom to Speak Up guardians as well as
            within the specified time period, we have advised the
                                                                 a non-executive director who is the Freedom to Speak
            requestor of the reasons for delay, such as complexity
                                                                 Up officer.  The guardians continue to work with a
            or volume of information  in scope of the request.
                                                                 number of departments within the organisation to
            The second type of requests are third party requests for   influence change and drive improvement arising from
            information for personal data relating to activities for the   concerns raised, which for this year has included:
            prevention and detection of crime.  Such  requests can
                                                                 •  Monthly meetings with  HR/OD to talk through themes
            come from the police,  regulators and,  in  respect of our
                                                                   from  issues raised and  remedial actions that can be put
            claim function, other insurance bodies who are members
                                                                   in place, as well as how to mitigate against Freedom
            of the Claims and  Underwriting  Exchange (CUE).
                                                                   to Speak Up arrangements being  used  instead of
            Complaints and feedback                                appropriate line management and  HR procedures.

            From  1 April 2021  to 31  March 2022 we received 35   •  Identifying training or policy and procedures
            complaints, which were reviewed through the processes   knowledge gaps that exist across the organisation.
            laid down  in our formal complaints policy, of which 31
                                                                 •  Sharing intelligence with the mental health
            were concluded and four remain active as these were
                                                                   first aiders so they can shape their offer.
            received  before the end of the reporting  period. This
            compares to 26 complaints logged  in 2020/21. These   •  Inputting  into the corporate values and behaviours
            numbers remain small  relative to the volume of activity   framework and actions to embed these.
            across the organisation and there is no single explanation   •  Participating  in corporate induction sessions to
            for an increase of complaints since last year. We are,   promote the commitment to speaking up and
            however, always keen to learn from complaints.         how that facilitates change in the organisation.
            There have been four complaints referred to our      Health, safety and wellbeing
            Chair during this reporting period.  None of these
                                                                 To ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our
            were upheld. There have been  no complaints to the
                                                                 staff we have in place policies and procedures. Staff
            Parliamentary and  Health Service Ombudsman.
                                                                 are required to participate in the training  provided to
            We also have a claims management framework for       ensure awareness.  The health, safety and wellbeing of
            recording concerns and queries relating to claims and   our staff is paramount to us. We have ensured all staff
            these are addressed through our claims management    have complete display screen equipment assessments to
            function.  This process provides our service users with   make sure that they are working  in a safe way both  in
            a  route by which their concerns can  be addressed,   the office and at home. All our staff have access to the
            whereas previously the complaints policy was the     enhanced offerings of the  Employee Assistance,  Health
            only route and that did  not encompass complaints    and Wellbeing Tools and  Mental  Health  First Aiders.
            about claims decisions because of the legal framework   We have given all staff an individual  risk assessment
            within which claims operate. There is now a dedicated   to identify those who may need extra support.
            Complaints and  Learning  Manager within the
                                                                 Through 2021/22 we expanded the incident reporting
            claims function, who has been able to resolve these
                                                                 process to include incidents relating to staff wellbeing,
            concerns and ensure they are addressed  promptly.
                                                                 in particular those related to difficult communications with
            In  March we implemented a reviewed  NHS Resolution   service users. This ensured that we had visibility of these
             Complaints Policy and  in doing so took into account NHS   incidents and that we acted to put in  place measures to
            Complaints Standards which set out how organisations   support staff and our service users where appropriate.
            providing  NHS services should approach complaint
            handling.  The Standards aim to support organisations
            in  providing a quicker, simpler and  more streamlined
            complaint handling service, with a strong focus on
            early resolution  by empowered and well-trained staff.
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