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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            85

             In July 2021  the Committee considered and  noted   Full detail on the medical and dental  pay and terms
            the annual  Directors' performance reviews,  presented   and conditions of service can  be found on the NHS
             by the Chief Executive who was in attendance.  In   Employers website2. The relevant NHS  Resolution
             November 2021  the 2021/22 annual pay award and     policies applied during the financial year in  relation
             performance related payments were determined        to salaries were the  Recruitment and selection policy
             by the Committee based on guidance provided  by     and procedure (HR16) and the national  NHS terms
             DHSC  and approved.  In  March 2022 the Committee   and conditions o f service noted above. Allowances
             provided feedback to the Chief Executive on the     to staff in  payment during the year other than basic
             performance of the directors and executive directors   salary were high-cost area supplement,  recruitment
            for the 2021/22 year.  Other matters dealt with  by the   and  retention  payments (RRP), and on-call allowances
             Committee during the year included the performance   for information systems and governance staff.
             and objectives of the Chief Executive and the  12-month
                                                                 Remuneration for directors
             extensions for two associate non-executive directors.
                                                                 The following tables provide the contractual salary
            The Committee considered  its performance in 2021
                                                                 and  pension details of those executive and non­
             as satisfactory and concluded that it had discharged
                                                                 executive directors who had control over the major
             its obligations as set out in the terms of reference.
                                                                 activities of NHS  Resolution during 2021/22.  Tables
            The Committee also considered that the terms of
                                                                 15,  16 and  17 are subject to audit. There was one
             reference remain appropriate and fit for their purpose.
                                                                 change in Board membership during 2021/22 -  the
             Remuneration policy                                 Chair Martin Thomas' term of office ended on 28
                                                                 January 2022, and he was replaced by an  Interim
             NEIS  Resolution is bound  by the NHS terms and     Chair,  Mike  Pinkerton, from 29 January 2022.
             conditions o f service (known as Agenda for Change).
            With the exception of the directors who are paid in
             accordance with  DHSC pay framework for executive
             and senior managers in ALBs, all staff are paid  in
             accordance with Agenda for Change. Where necessary,
             NEIS  Resolution also makes use of the national medical
             and dental  pay, and terms and conditions of service
            for those positions which are deemed necessary to
             have a current licence to practise and/or professional
             membership with an appropriate body. We currently
             have two staff members employed  under the medical
             and dental terms and conditions of service.
             Full details on the Agenda for Change,  including
             a copy of the current handbook, can  be found on
            the NHS Employers website1. The provisions set out
             in this handbook are based on the need to ensure
             a fair system of pay for NHS employees which
             supports modernised working  practices.  Nationally,
             employer and trades union  representatives have
             agreed to work in  partnership to maintain an NHS
             pay system which supports NHS service modernisation
             and meets the reasonable aspirations of staff.

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