Page 82 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 82

58                                                                                Performance analysis

       •  An  increase of £2  billion  in  respect of lag   Applying an actuarial view of the timing of
         and  payment patterns and  updated mortality      cashflows to the known claims provision  has resulted
         assumptions in  respect of potential  PPO claims.  in an adjustment to the known claims provision of
                                                           £2.8 billion in 2021/22. This is partially offset by the
       There has been an overall  increase of £0.5 billion (from
                                                           restatement of the opening provision of £2.4 billion.
       the net £0.5  billion  provided for in 2020/21) for the
       assessed  impact of Covid-19 on the provisions. This   Item 5: £2.5  billion was paid out during the financial
       primarily reflects slightly higher NHS activity in 2020/21   year to settle claims. This is lower than the amount
       than was estimated last year (which  is therefore expected   we receive in claims from another year's worth of

       to increase the number of clinical claims), and an  increase   activity (Items  1 and 2) partly because we generally
       in the number of claims owing to delays, cancellations   settle high-value cases where ongoing care is a feature
       and  misdiagnosis reflecting longer waiting  lists.  with a periodical payment order. This gives a regular
                                                           payment to the claimant over the rest of their life.
       The remaining decrease of £1.2  billion  relates to
       the effects of assumptions changes on  IBNR for     Five years ago (at the end of 2016/17 financial
       the other indemnity schemes (including a net        year), the number of PPOs in  payment was  1,826
       decrease of £14 million for the effect of Covid-19   with  £179 million  paid out that year, and a whole
       on the risk of claims covered  by other schemes).   life value of £12 billion. At the end of this financial
       Item 4: The liability has increased  by £1.6 billion  in   year (2021/22), the equivalent figures were 2,530,
       respect of changes in assumptions affecting known   £336 million and £29.5  billion  respectively.
       claims. The known claims provision  is impacted     Item 6: There is a significant increase in the provision
       by the changes in inflation and Annual Survey       of £42.6 billion due to the reductions in the long
       for Hours and  Earnings (ASHE) assumptions.         term and very long term discount rates specified
       •  A net increase of £2.8billion relates to claims   for use by HM Treasury, which  has been discussed
         that were open at 31  March 2021  and  remain     at page  55 of the Finance report.  This includes a
         open at 31  March 2022.  This is due to reserve   £1.7 billion increase arising from the adjustment
         values, estimated settlement year and  probability   made to the known claims provision  in  respect of
         of success of individual claims being  revised    timing of cashflows as set out at Item 4 above.
         as more information becomes available.
                                                           The changes discussed above highlight the uncertainty
       •  A decrease of £1.6 billion  in the liability relates to   affecting the valuation of the provision. The sensitivity
         claims closed during the year,  either at a  lower value   of the legal environment to our actions in  managing
         than expected, or where the claim was repudiated.  the cost of claims, the degree of activity in the legal
                                                           and health  policy arena  in  response to the growth
       An adjustment to the known claims provision  has
                                                           in costs, and  NHS  Resolution's view of the effect of
       been  introduced to allow for the difference between
                                                           these on  key assumptions may change over time.
       the value of claims expected to settle within one year
                                                           Resulting small changes in assumptions as well as
       of the balance sheet date based on  individual claims
                                                           changes to discount rates reflecting the financial/market
       data, and an actuarial view of the timing of cashflows
                                                           environment,  as described above, can  have significant
       based on  historical claims settlement patterns.
                                                           impacts on the provision from one year to the next.
       The settlement date for individual claims is used
                                                           Sensitivity of the valuation to changes in assumptions
       in the known claims provision calculation to
                                                           is discussed  in  more detail at Note 7.2 on  page  134
       determine the rate of inflation and discounting to
                                                           in the Notes to the accounts section of this report.
       be applied. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased
       the uncertainty over when claims are likely to settle.
       NHS Resolution experienced an  unexpected  £120
       million (5%) reduction  in claims payments in 2020/21
       at the height of the pandemic,  but payments have
       increased  by £199 million (9%) in 2021/22.
       In 2021/22 we have seen an  increase in  both the
       volume and value of claims in our claims data with
       settlement dates in the near term. This reflects that claims
       management has been disrupted over the last two years.
       As a result of this review, we have concluded
       that this approach should  have been applied to
       prior periods, drawing on the information that
       was available at the time, as it gives a better
       estimate of the known claims provision.
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