Page 83 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22

             In-year financial performance
            The settlement and administration of indemnity schemes   The public sector funding  regime does not require NHS
             is funded  by a combination of contributions from   Resolution to have sufficient assets to cover the long
             members (NHS and  independent sector providers of   term liabilities as these will  be financed  by Government
             healthcare, clinical commissioning groups and other   at the time they become due for settlement. Therefore,
             DHSC ALBs), and financing from DHSC.  General  practice   NHS Resolution only collects the cash needed to
             indemnity (GPI) costs are funded out of the budget held   settle claims in the financial year in question.
             by NHS  England for the NHS, via  DHSC financing.
                                                                 Indemnity schemes in-year financial  position
             DHSC  sets a budget in respect of this financing on a
                                                                 Expenditure on clinical schemes against income and
             Departmental  Expenditure Limits (DEL) basis. The DEL is
                                                                 budget set by DHSC  is shown in Table 7.  These costs
             a  HM Treasury budgetary control1, which covers income
                                                                 include NHS Resolution's own administration costs.
             and spending on general administration costs, e.g.
             salaries and goods and services, but also the settlement
             (utilisation) of the provisions in the financial year.

            Table 7: Clinical schemes financial performance

              Clinical scheme                                                              2021/22        2020/21
                                              Income /   Expenditure         Under/      Percentage    Expenditure
                                               budget                    (over)spend        under/
                                             (£ million)    (£ million)    (£ million)  (over)spend      (£ million)
              Member funded - CNST               2,459          2,237           222             9%           2,079

              DHSC funded schemes                  114           104              10            9%             86
              GPI                                  86             94             (8)           -9%             67

              CNSC                                   1              0              0           52%               0
              Total clinical schemes             2,659          2,435           224             8%           2,233

             CNST is our largest scheme and has the majority of   The year-on-year increase in CNST spending  has been
            the underspend against budget.  In  recognition of   driven by a £177 million (19%) increase in spending
            the slowing of claims inflation  rates, total funding   on claims valued at over £3.5  million,  primarily in
            for CNST for 2021/22 was held at the same level as   damages payments, and with the majority of the total
            the previous financial year. The 2021/22  budget was   increase of £17  million  in claimant legal costs being
             set in the summer of 2020 when the full extent of   against this tranche of claims. This is influenced by the
            the pandemic, and the consequent impact on claims    mix of claims coming due for settlement in the year.
             payments on 2020/21  DEL expenditure, was unknown.
                                                                 NHS legal costs of CNST have reduced by £2.8 million
             Payments on CNST claims and scheme administration   year on year.  Expenditure on nil damages value claims
             increased year on year by £158 million (8%), compared   has reduced  by £8 million,  partially offset by increases
            to a year-on-year reduction of £94 million (4%)      in spending on claims valued at over £100,000.
             between 2019/20 and 2020/21.  Nevertheless, this
             increase still  resulted in a  £222  million (9%) underspend
             against the CNST collect as the assumptions for the
            volume and value of high-value claims settlements
             in  particular did  not occur to the extent expected.

              HM Treasury Consolidated  Budgeting Guidance can  be found at
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88