Page 79 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
P. 79

NHS Resolution      Annual report and accounts 2021/22                                            55

            Finance report

               Headlines in numbers                              Year-end provisions
               •  The provision for the liabilities arising      The provision is the value of liabilities arising from incidents
                 from claims has increased by £43.4 billion      that occurred before 31  March 2022 at current prices,
                 (50.8%) from £85.2  billion to £128.6 billion,   both in relation to claims received and our estimate of
                 primarily due to a technical accounting         claims that we are likely to receive in the future from
                 change affecting the provision.                 those incidents which have occurred but have yet to be
                                                                 reported as claims (incurred but not reported, IBNR).
               •  The total value of clinical  negligence claims
                 under the CNST scheme incurred as a  result     The provision has increased by £43.4 billion (50.8%) to
                 of incidents in 2021/22 was £13.3  billion,     £128.6 billion. The most significant factor, accounting
                 up from  £7.9 billion the previous year. The    for £42.6 billion of this change,  is the reduction in the
                 change in the long term discount rates set      long term and very long term discount rates set by HM
                 by HM Treasury has significantly affected this   Treasury. The discount rate is designed to recognise the
                 value,  increasing  it from £8.7  billion  based   value of money over time:  £1  now may be worth more
                 on the previous set of discount rates.          or less in the future. Applying a discount rate to the
                                                                 amounts we expect to pay out in the future enables
               •  Payments for settling claims in 2021/22  increased
                                                                 us to put a value on those outgoings at today's prices.
                 by £199 million (8.8%), to £2.459 billion.
                                                                 It tells us how much we would need to pay out if we
               •  Administration costs increased by £8.8 million   settled all of those future obligations today.  In accordance
                 (25%) to £44.2 million.                         with  International Financial  Reporting Standards,  HM
               •  Budget position:                               Treasury has applied market rates which reflect the low
                                                                 cost of borrowing to Government in determining the
                 - Department Expenditure Limit (DEL)
                                                                 long term discount rate.  Note 7.3 to the accounts shows
                   £239 million (8.7%) under budget.
                                                                 how the rates have changed, with the most significant
                 - Annually Managed  Expenditure (AME)           changes being the reduction in the nominal long term
                   £2.63  billion (5.7%) under budget.           (10 to 40 years) and very long term (over 40 years)
                                                                 rates from  1.99% to 0.95% and 0.66%  respectively.
               The two key aspects to NEIS  Resolution's financial
               activities are the provision for liabilities arising from   A significant proportion of the provisions are expected
               incidents which have already happened, and in­    to be settled over the longer term. Consequently,
               year budgetary performance which  includes both   these reductions in the long term rates have had a
               scheme payments and our administration costs.     considerable impact on the value of the provision.
                                                                 However, this is an accounting judgement that does
                                                                 not change the underlying future payments that
                                                                 will be incurred in meeting the obligations arising
                                                                 from claims when they fall due in the short term.
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