Page 75 - Pharmacy Appeals 1/4/04 to 31/3/05
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NHS Resolution Annual report and accounts 2021/22 51
Claims KPI framework KPI 24 - Critically reviewed
exclusions and suspensions
Despite the ongoing impact of Covid-19, we have
89% of exclusions in secondary care (118 out of
maintained a good service overall. Through the year,
133 cases) in England were reviewed by the Advice
the pandemic has continued to have a significant
service within the target timeframe. In the 15
impact on the healthcare providers we indemnify,
cases where a review was not undertaken within
with the priority being the frontline response. Access
the required timeframe, this was either due to the
to healthcare professionals to provide expert and
healthcare organisation being unavailable to complete
factual input into claims has been constrained.
the review or due to administrative oversight. In
This has resulted in challenges in fully meeting a
all cases, these reviews have now taken place.
small number of our KPIs, specifically the time to
respond to a formal claim for compensation. KPI 26 - Accuracy of budget and
in-year financial management
A more detailed analysis of KPIs NHS Resolution underspent by £238.6 million (8.7%)
that were unmet across revenue budgets, with £222 million against our
largest indemnity scheme, CNST. The budget for 2021/22
KPIs 1 and 2 - Response time to a
was set in summer 2020, when the ongoing impact
formal claim for compensation
of the pandemic was unknown. The underspend was
We missed the KPI relating to meeting protocol due to settlement of fewer than expected high value
timescales where the pandemic limited the availability claims, and lower than expected inflation in claims
of healthcare professionals to provide expert opinions, settlements. However, expenditure on CNST claims
for example. In the lower value tranches the target has increased by £158.4 million (7.6%) since 2020/21,
was missed by 20% and a 10% reduction from the with an increase in payments on high value claims
previous year. Performance was stronger in the higher being the main element. This will also be influenced
value tranches (cases valued above £100,000) where by the mix of claims falling due for payment.
the target was missed by 2%. However, we exceeded
KPI 27a-d - Our annual customer
our target by 6% for the KPI measuring our response
satisfaction survey
to an agreed timeframe between the parties.
In response to the pandemic, we suspended our
KPI 3 - Time to resolution
membership satisfaction survey, given pressures
We did not meet our KPI that measures the time on the NHS frontline due to Covid-19. However,
between a decision being made on whether to admit in 2021/22 we undertook a series of 'deep dive'
liability and payment of any agreed compensation. interviews with strategic partners, conducted by an
This KPI requires a year-on-year reduction in time to independent market research agency, in order to gain
resolution to meet its target. This year, the time taken feedback on our impact among these stakeholders.
from admission of liability to settlement increased by
KPI 32 - Vacancy rates
over 10% compared with the previous year. Again, this
KPI relies on the input of healthcare professionals to As at 31 March 2022 our vacancy rate was 24.3%. This
advise on ongoing, past and future needs, particularly in vacancy rate has remained high due to a delay in approval
higher value cases, to assess the value of compensation. of our Claims Evolution Programme business case.
KP114 - Time taken to resolve appeals KPI 34 - Engagement with our staff survey
and disputes (oral hearing) Despite the response rate being lower than our
previous survey, due to the increase in our headcount
This metric includes hearings delayed due to the
figures, more staff actually completed the survey
Covid-19 pandemic during the January 2021
this year. Our response rate, 62.8%, remained
lockdown. Had this not been the case the average
above the national average response rate.
time would be 23 weeks and within target.
KPI 35 - Voluntary turnover of staff
KP115 - Time taken to resolve disputes (current
market rent valuation input required) 18% of our overall voluntary turnover was
Turnaround time was influenced by one exceptional from staff within their probation period.
case which experienced a number of delays - if this one KPI 36 - Prompt payment of suppliers
case were excluded, we would have met our target.
Performance against the prompt payment of suppliers
KPI 20 - Advice education events metric continues to be below the 95% target at 90%,
but has improved since 2020/21 as the finance system
89% of education events have received a
implemented in December 2019 has bedded in and
score of four out of a possible five during this
incremental process improvements have been made.
financial year. Five events fell below the KPI.